Sustainability in Wine

The Wine Ship is dedicated to championing a wine industry that can withstand the test of time. This means working to educate wine enthusiasts on what it means to practice sustainability in wine.

In honor of Earth Month, I’m highlighting the various practices and philosophies behind sustainable wine and sharing standout producers and bottles that focus on earth-friendly initiatives in the winery and beyond.

Check back throughout the month for new content every week!

Cheers to our planet! - Montana Rae, Founder & Sommelier

Discover Earth-Friendly Wines

All About Organic Wine
Organic Wine, Farming, Viticulture, Vineyard Practices Montana Rae, Sommelier & Founder Organic Wine, Farming, Viticulture, Vineyard Practices Montana Rae, Sommelier & Founder

All About Organic Wine

There are farms spread all around the world where people have been applying organic practices for generations, even centuries. Long before the concept of organic certification even existed, they intuitively understood the importance of protecting and preserving the land. We’ll explore the topic of organics in viticulture (winegrowing) in two categories: Certified Organic and Practicing Organic.

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